Raynor doors are balanced by torsion (shown) or extension springs. Extension springs are mounted just above the horizontal track, perpendicular to the closed garage door. Torsion springs are mounted above the closed door, parallel and horizontal to the top section of the door as shown here. Torsion springs wind and unwind to provide lifting power, where extension springs get their lifting power by stretching.

Door Sections
Sections are the primary visual part of your door. Raynor offers a variety of exterior door designs, including up to 13 styles for Raynor Innovations Series doors. Interior construction ranges from pan doors without insulation to insulated steel sandwich doors.

Custom-Fit Track

Strong Hinges
Hinges are made of high-quality steel and bear the weight of the door in the upright (closed) position. On Raynor Premium-level garage doors and all Raynor Innovations Series doors, hinges are powdercoated for maximum protection against moisture and rust.

Quiet Rollers
Raynor uses steel wheel ball-bearing rollers for smoother, quieter operation. Raynor Premium-level garage doors offer nylon rollers with steel ball bearings for superior noise reduction-a plus when living space is used above or in close proximity to the garage.

To help keep out wind and rain, Raynor garage doors feature a vinyl bottom weatherseal attached to a sturdy aluminum retainer.

Photoelectric Eye
These sensors are mounted five to six inches off the floor on either side of the door. Working in conjunction with the garage door opener, photo eyes send an invisible beam across the door opening. If the beam is broken while the door is operating, the door will reverse direction and return to the open position.