High-cycle parking doors are divided up into three product categories: sectional doors, rolling steel doors and high-speed traffic doors. Each door type is designed, engineered, manufactured, and installed to meet the exact specifications of the individual parking facility. By applying the specific products to the individual needs we are able to guarantee the highest level of performance while keeping down time and maintenance costs to a minimum.
Our high-speed traffic doors have astonishing opening speeds of 60 inches to 100 inches per second: that’s 5 to 8 feet per second!
For high-traffic no other product offers you high speed and high security without compromising architectural detail. These doors are perfect for parking and other commercial, institutional, and residential applications when opening speed and aesthetics are key requirements.
We service over 2000 parking facilities from condominiums to sporting arenas, factories and more throughout the Chicagoland area. We specialize in understanding the complexities of traffic control and we work closely to assist architects, self-managed properties, as well as management firms.
Whether you are looking for a comprehensive solution or just need a replacement product to keep your current operation up and running, we are here to provide the level of service you need. For more information on our full line up of parking control systems, contact us at sales@raynordoor.com or call us at 847-441-6900.